Bridge of Honor – March 11, 2023
Sea Scout Ships Corsair (22) & Viking (100) celebrated their advancement over the past year at the Elks Lodge in San Francisco, CA, along with family, friends, and council representatives.

GGAC ships Corsair 22 and Viking 100 welcomed two new Quartermasters (QMs) to their ranks, as sea scouts Celeste McManus and Ba-Duong Nguyen celebrated their bridge of honor on Saturday, March 11. Friends and family gathered at the San Francisco Elks Lodge for a traditional landship ceremony, promoting their new QMs and recognizing all advancement completed in the past year. Ships were joined by Maritime Explorer Club Makani 19, who recognized their scouts’ commitment to the values of the Scout Law.
Bridges of Honor provide an important opportunity for scouts to participate in maritime tradition, as well as provide the opportunity to complete the Able rank Ideals requirement (to carry out and lead landships). The Quartermaster rank is one of Sea Scouting’s most prestigious awards, received for completing all rank requirements, teaching prior rank requirements to younger members of the program, and a coordinating volunteer and maintenance projects. As well as being an impressive feat for a young member of scouting, the Quartermaster award is one that is carried lifelong, representing a continued commitment to scouting and one’s ship. Congratulations to Celeste and Ba-Duong!
In Sea Scouts, the Quartermaster rank is equivalent to Scouts BSA’s Eagle Scout Rank. The ranks leading to Quartermaster include: Apprentice, Ordinary, and Able.

Celeste (SSS Viking) with mother and skipper after receiving QM award.
Ba-Duong (Corsair 22) with parents and skipper after receiving QM award.