44th Seafarers Regatta
Martinez Sea Scout Base – April 13, 2024
Golden Gate Area Council (GGAC) ships had an awesome time at the 44th annual Seafarers Regatta in Martinez, CA. With 17 teams competing (140 youth) plus 60 adults, this was one of the biggest Seafarers in recent memories. Ships competed in 20 different events, including rope climb, small boat rowing, breeches buoy, scuttlebutt, and more. All the scouts maintained great attitudes, despite the rain and cold, staying true to scouting values. Seafarers acts as a training regatta for new scouts and for all scouts to improve their skills at the beginning of the spring competition season. The next two regattas are Old Salts’ Regatta (May 3-5 on Coast Guard Island, Alameda) and Ancient Mariner Regatta (May 24-27, California Maritime Academy).